Year A

Advent 1A
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Repent For He Is Near
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John Sends Out His Disciples
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An Angel Appears To Joseph
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Christ Is Born
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Son of the Most High
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The Escape to Egypt
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God Reveals Himself
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Wise Men From The East
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Jesus Baptized
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Look, The Lamb of God
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The Light That Shines In The Darkness
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The Sermon on the Mount
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Let Your Light Shine
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Live A Holy Life
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Love Your Enemies
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Do Not Worry
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Jesus Reveals His Glory
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Return To The Lord
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The Fall
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The Woman of Samaria
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The Man Born Blind
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A Mother's Request
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The Raising of Lazarus
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Hosanna to the Son of David
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Washing the Disciples' Feet
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The Way to Calvary
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The Guard at the Tomb
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The Great Vigil of Easter
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Doubting Thomas
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On The Road To Emmaus
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I Am The Gate
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The Way To The Father
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Paul At The Areopagus
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Christ Ascends To Heaven
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Christ The High Priest
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The Day of Pentecost
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The Creation
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The House Built on The Rock
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The Calling of Matthew
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Lord of the Harvest
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Be Fearless
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Division & Reward
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I Will Give You Rest
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The Sower
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The Wheat & Weeds
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New & Old Treasures
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Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand
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Jesus Walks on Water
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The Canaanite Woman
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The Confession of Peter
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Jesus Rebukes Peter
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Christian Discipline
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The Unforgiving Servant
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The Laborers in the Vineyard
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The Two Sons
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The Stone The Builders Rejected
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The Wedding Banquet
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Paying Taxes to Caesar
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The Greatest Commandment
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The Talents
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The Diet of Worms
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The Sheep & Goats
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The Ten Virgins
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Jesus Mocked by the Soldiers
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