Year B

Stay Awake
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Baptism of Repentance
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John Speaks to the Leaders
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The Annunciation
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The Shepherds
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The Word Incarnate
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A Light to the Gentiles
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Division Among the People
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Journey of the Magi
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The Baptism of Jesus
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Philip & Nathanael
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Peter & Andrew
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Christ the Prophet
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Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law
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The Cleansing of the Leper
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The Healing of the Paralytic
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Our Heavenly Bridegroom
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The Mount of Transfiguration
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The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
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The Temptation of Jesus
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Jesus Predicts His Death
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Jesus Cleanses the Temple
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The Bronze Serpent
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A Voice from Heaven
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Palm Sunday
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The Passover with the Disciples
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Christ on the Cross
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Christ Carried to the Tomb
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The Risen Christ
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Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
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Jesus Appears to His Disciples
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Jesus Eats with the Disciples
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Jesus Lays Down His Life for the Sheep
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I Am the Vine
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I Have Called You Friends
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The Ascension of Our Lord
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Sent into the World
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The Breath of God
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Holy, Holy, Holy
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Picking Grain on the Sabbath
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Christ Has Defeated Satan
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The Mustard Seed
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Calming the Storm
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Jairus' Daughter
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A Prophet without Honor
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Jesus Sends Out The Twelve
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A Quiet Place with Jesus
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The Five Thousand
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The Bread of Life
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Bread from Heaven
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Food and Drink for Our Souls
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Many Disciples Desert Jesus
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Traditions & Commandments
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Jesus Heals a Deaf Man
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Take Up Your Cross & Follow Me
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Proper 19B (Mark 9:14-29)
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True Greatness
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Humble Service
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Marriage & Family
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The Rich & the Kingdom of God
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The Sons of Zebedee
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Jesus Heals Bartimaeus
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Summary of the Law
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The Fiery Furnace
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The Last Judgment
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King of Saints
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Christ The King
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